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Pratama's blog
On Rabu, 08 Juni 2016
Each word has its own meaning . When words strung together would be a beautiful sentence
and contain a specific meaning . As well as a series of words in proverbs and words of wisdom
, words are arranged so that a string of sentences to be so beautiful , brief, concise , unbiased
containing parables , advice , life principles or rules of behavior .
In English there are also proverbs and words of wisdom (wise word) , the following is an
Peribahasa (Proverbs) :
1. Better late than never.
(Lebih baik terlambat
daripada tidak sama sekali.)
Bending without breaking.
(Mengalah bukan berarti kalah.)
(Mengalah bukan berarti kalah.)
3. A good book is a great friend.
(Buku yang bermanfaat
merupakan teman yang baik.)
4. Out of sight near by heart.
(Jauh di mata dekat di
5. No one too old to learn.
(Belajar tidak memandang
6. Action speak louder than words.
(banyak bekerja
sedikit bicara.)
7. Desperate people has no standpoint.
(Orang yang putus asa
tidak mempunyai pendirian.)
8. Full coin, full case.
(Banyak uang banyak
9. Think first, than action.
(Berfikir matang
terlebih dahulu baru bertindak.)
10. United we stand, divided we fall.
kita teguh bercerai kita runtuh.)
11. Unused advantage are no advantages.
yang tidak bermanfaat adalah sis-sia.)
12. Blood is thicker than water.
darah atau persaudaraan lebih kuat dari segala-galanya.)
13. Succes never comes to the
tidak akan pernah datang pada orang yang malas.)
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