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Pratama's blog On Rabu, 08 Juni 2016


Homograph consists of homo (same ) and the graph ( writing ) . Homograph is a wordwith the same work but have different pronunciations and meanings . In Indonesian , the word homograph example is ' Semi ' with two different meanings are above standard level and season . Another example is the ' apple' with the meaning and gathering fruit ( small ceremony ) .

Examples homograph word in the English language are:

Wind : angin
Wind : berakhir pada jam (wind up o’clock)
Sewer : penyulam (orang yang menyulam)
Sewer : saluran air
Project : tugas
Project : rancangan
Bat : peralatan dalam olahraga baseball
Bat : kelelawar
Bow : menunduk atau membungkuk
Bow : bagian depan dari kapal

Homonym , derived from the word homo (same ) and NYM ( name ) . Means homonym is a word that has the same pronunciation or word but the meaning was different . If in Indonesian , one example Homophones form the word ' can' . The word ' may ' can have two meanings , namely poison snakes and on the other hand can also mean as capable .
Here are some examples of homonyms in English :
Blue : warna
Blue : perasaan sedih
Lie : posisi horizontal
Lie : kebohongan
Type : menulis dengan keyboard
Type : tipe atau jenis
Ad : iklan
Add : menambahkan
Ate : makan
Eight : delapan


Homophones are words homo (same ) and fonts ( voice or sound ) . Homophones is a word that has the same pronunciation but with the words and different meanings . For example, in Indonesian , among others ' Djarum ' with ' needle ' and 'Rock ' and ' Rok ' .
In English , the words homophones , among others :

Air : udara
Heir : pewaris
Buy : membeli
Bye : ucapan perpisahan/selamat tinggal
Check : memeriksa
Checque : cek
Sell : menjual
Cell : sel, penjara
Die : mati
Dye : mewarnai 
Homonym , Homophones and homograph in English 

Indonesian in the subject matter , there are some terms that have special meaning , as well as with the English language . Among these terms are homonyms , homophones , homograph . To be clear , following a full discussion on the understanding and examples .

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