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- Polysemy (poly and semy)
Pratama's blog
On Rabu, 08 Juni 2016
Polysemy is
a word that has more than one meaning . In Indonesian , we met many polysemy .
A simple example is the word "can" , which can mean "may"
and could be "toxic" . So is the English who also has polysemy .
Consider the example sentences below :
1. The house is at the foot of the mountains .
2. One of his shoes felt too tight for his foot .
Below is an example of polysemy in everyday :
bank = bank – pinggiran sungai
bed = tempat tidur – dasar – alas –
kebun, taman
book = buku – memesan
congregation = jemaah – perkumpulan
court = pengadilan – halaman – lapangan –
istana – penerimaan tamu
head = kepala (bagian tubuh) – kepala
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