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Archive for Juni 2016


Rabu, 08 Juni 2016
Posted by Pratama's blog

Idiom or expression is a combination of words, which is a fragment of a sentence which has 
its own meaning. or group of words that express the meaning figuratively.
Example idiom:
golden child = child most beloved
Hats off = salute or respect
Nature reserves = a natural protection
Blood meat = Child
Nose = visible / present
Blackguard = female fans, liar
Masher = male love affair
Prig = amnesia
Usurer = moneylenders
Cats garong = ferocious nature, lineament less fun
Long hands = thief
Very red = angry
Stubborn = strong character
Love blind = really love
Eating salt = lots of experience
Put your hands = surrender
Mild head = easy to understand and grasp
Idiom can be divided into two types, namely:
1. The full idiom, ie idioms or phrases throughout the constituent elements can not be 
returned to the meaning of denotation / true.
Roll the mat means a bankrupt.
b Butt yellow means stingy / miserly.
Said rolls and said the mat has lost its meaning denotation. Likewise, the word and the word 
yellow rump.
2. Idiom in part, that idiom or expression that most of its constituent elements can still be 
restored to the meaning of denotation.
a rumor means news or news that is not necessarily true.
b black list means a list of names of people involved in the crime.
In this case, said the news and the list can still be restored on the meaning of denotation.
    Idiom is an expression of the language in the form of a compound word (phrase) whose 
meaning has been fused and can not be interpreted by the elements that shape meanings.


Posted by Pratama's blog

Each word has its own meaning . When words strung together would be a beautiful sentence 
and contain a specific meaning . As well as a series of words in proverbs and words of wisdom
, words are arranged so that a string of sentences to be so beautiful , brief, concise , unbiased 
containing parables , advice , life principles or rules of behavior .

In English there are also proverbs and words of wisdom (wise word) , the following is an 

Peribahasa (Proverbs) :
1. Better late than never.
  (Lebih baik terlambat daripada tidak sama sekali.)
2. Bending without breaking.
  (Mengalah bukan berarti kalah.)
3. A good book is a great friend.
  (Buku yang bermanfaat merupakan teman yang baik.)
4. Out of sight near by heart.
  (Jauh di mata dekat di hati.)
5. No one too old to learn.
  (Belajar tidak memandang usia.)
6. Action speak louder than words.
  (banyak bekerja sedikit bicara.)
7. Desperate people has no standpoint.
  (Orang yang putus asa tidak mempunyai pendirian.)
8. Full coin, full case.
  (Banyak uang banyak masalah.)
9. Think first, than action.
  (Berfikir matang terlebih dahulu baru bertindak.)
10. United we stand, divided we fall.
   (Bersatu kita teguh bercerai kita runtuh.)
11. Unused advantage are no advantages.
   (Kepandaian yang tidak bermanfaat adalah sis-sia.)
12. Blood is thicker than water.
   (Ikatan darah atau persaudaraan lebih kuat dari segala-galanya.)
13. Succes never comes to the indolence's.
   (Keberhasilan tidak akan pernah datang pada orang yang malas.)


all about homograph, homonym, and homophones

Posted by Pratama's blog


Homograph consists of homo (same ) and the graph ( writing ) . Homograph is a wordwith the same work but have different pronunciations and meanings . In Indonesian , the word homograph example is ' Semi ' with two different meanings are above standard level and season . Another example is the ' apple' with the meaning and gathering fruit ( small ceremony ) .

Examples homograph word in the English language are:

Wind : angin
Wind : berakhir pada jam (wind up o’clock)
Sewer : penyulam (orang yang menyulam)
Sewer : saluran air
Project : tugas
Project : rancangan
Bat : peralatan dalam olahraga baseball
Bat : kelelawar
Bow : menunduk atau membungkuk
Bow : bagian depan dari kapal

Homonym , derived from the word homo (same ) and NYM ( name ) . Means homonym is a word that has the same pronunciation or word but the meaning was different . If in Indonesian , one example Homophones form the word ' can' . The word ' may ' can have two meanings , namely poison snakes and on the other hand can also mean as capable .
Here are some examples of homonyms in English :
Blue : warna
Blue : perasaan sedih
Lie : posisi horizontal
Lie : kebohongan
Type : menulis dengan keyboard
Type : tipe atau jenis
Ad : iklan
Add : menambahkan
Ate : makan
Eight : delapan


Homophones are words homo (same ) and fonts ( voice or sound ) . Homophones is a word that has the same pronunciation but with the words and different meanings . For example, in Indonesian , among others ' Djarum ' with ' needle ' and 'Rock ' and ' Rok ' .
In English , the words homophones , among others :

Air : udara
Heir : pewaris
Buy : membeli
Bye : ucapan perpisahan/selamat tinggal
Check : memeriksa
Checque : cek
Sell : menjual
Cell : sel, penjara
Die : mati
Dye : mewarnai 
Homonym , Homophones and homograph in English 

Indonesian in the subject matter , there are some terms that have special meaning , as well as with the English language . Among these terms are homonyms , homophones , homograph . To be clear , following a full discussion on the understanding and examples .
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