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Archive for Mei 2016

about hyperbole

Senin, 30 Mei 2016
Posted by Pratama's blog

Hyperbole is part of the group of opposition figure of speech that expresses something conflict to its original state. It aims to strengthen the impression of intent expression. Hyperbole is derived from the Greek word meaning something excessive. The combined use words that are deliberately overstated or exaggerated in terms of number, shape, size is characteristic of the hyperbole. Thus, it will give the impression to the fact that is being expressed more deeply and gained the attention of the listener. This is why hyperbole classified into opposition figure of speech (figure of speech conflict) this in a hyperbole use the words that have different meanings to the word of the word.

Hyperbole often function in lectures, speeches, advice, expressions of awe, poetry, and often also in everyday conversation.

For example:

11.  The crying child was flooding the floor.
22. No matter what people say, he kept running after his dream.
33. My heart was despondent saw you with him.

metonymy and synecdoche

Senin, 16 Mei 2016
Posted by Pratama's blog


Senin, 02 Mei 2016
Posted by Pratama's blog


Collocation is a familiar grouping of words, especially words that habitually appear together and thereby convey meaning by association. In corpus linguistics, collocation defines a sequence of words or terms that co-occur more often than would be expected by chance. In phraseology, collocation is a sub-type of phraseme. An example of a phraseological collocation, as propounded by Michael Halliday, is the expression strong tea. While the same meaning could be conveyed by the roughly equivalent *powerful tea, this expression is considered incorrect by English speakers. Conversely, the corresponding expression for computer, powerful computers is preferred over *strong computers. Phraseological collocations should not be confused with idioms, where meaning is derived, whereas collocations are mostly compositional.

Berikut adalah beberapa contoh kalimat yang menggunakan Collocation:
  • “Kessy go home with his best friend every day.” (best)
  • “Kessy eats with his good friends.” (good, close)

Kata ‘good’ adalah Collocation lain yang dapat digunakan untuk menggantikan ‘good‘ seperti ” Kessy eats with his close friends.”

  • “Kessy has been a loyal friend for decades.” (loyal, true, real, faithful, trusted)

Semua kata dalam kurung dapat digunakan untuk menggantikan kata “loyal” semua ini adalah contoh lain dari Collocation untuk kata ‘friend’.


synonym, antonym, hyponym

Posted by Pratama's blog
Is the state or phenomenon in which the words that sound different, but have the same or identical meaning, as another word or phrase.
small - little
big - large
mother and father – parents

Is the state or phenomenon in which the words have the sense relation which involve the opposite of meaning.

Te word pairs of antonym can be divided into several types:
1)    Implicitly Gradable Pairs


big - small
good - bad
fast - slow
young - old

2)    Complementary Pairs


male - female
alive - dead
present - absent
awake - asleep

3)    Relational Pairs


buy - sell
push - pull
command - serve
give - take
teach - learn
master - servant
teacher - pupil
doctor . patient

Is the state or phenomenon that shows  the relationship  between more general term, ( lexical representation) and the more specific instances for it.
The lexical representation of:
red, yellow, green, blue, purple, black is ( color ).
Thus we can say that: " red " is  a hyponym of " color " and so on.

clarinet, guitar, piano, trumpet, violin, are hyponyms because they are " musical instruments " but there is not a single word meaning  " musical instrument " that has these  words as its hyponyms .

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